Speech by President GSEVEE Mr. G. Kavvatas at the Hellenic Sign Symposium

The President of GSEVEE, Mr. G. Kavathas, attended and talked at the Hellenic Sign Symposium, which took place on 31 May 2017 at the Eugenides Foundation in order to highlight the developmental dimension of the national origin of a product or service, the diffusion of the Hellenic Sign Product and the promotion of sectoral development.

Within the framework of the symposium, organized jointly by the Athens Chamber of Commerce and the Hellenic Academy of Marketing, business executives and academics presented the institutional framework “Made in Greece”, the Greek Signal Institution, as well as successful strategies of Extraversion, Innovation and Branding.

The President of GSEVEE, Mr. G. Kavathas, stressed that “almost five years have passed since the summer of 2012, when we came to GSEVEE, the then draft law (and today is a state law) for the” Greek Products Sign And Services “, which was a demand for years of the business community, but mainly a need of the Greek society, so that in this plethora of imported products on the shelves of the shops there would be an official badge to certify the Greekity of the product and enabling the consumer who wishes to choose. On the other hand, covers the necessity of Greek business and have certified that the Greek character of the product or its products both at home and abroad. ”

The President of GSEVEE added that “regardless of the exceptional significance of the Hellenic Sign for the Greek Product and Services, other actions should be taken to reverse the distorted consumption pattern that we have adopted as a society and which has resulted in squeeze almost everything from Greek commercial shelf.

That’s why it is not only the consumer, but also an occasional latent developmental dynamics in trade, which today is evident from the results, that he shaped the conditions that almost “eliminated” the Greek Producing Machine with devastating consequences. ”

Mr. Kavathas noted that “the Greek flag will independently represent” dead letter “unless combined with other actions that will trigger a dynamic that will turn consumer interest in Greek product. So, with the Hellenic Sign and with a continuous series of actions (like today’s symposium), we can immediately and sovereignly achieve the recycling of the disputed available capital of consumption within the country. This obviously will support sustainability, both businesses and jobs. It is a fact that in almost every area of ​​our productive economic activity (from primary to tertiary) the quality characteristics of our products are mostly exceptional and this should inter alia be interconnected in the consciousness of consumers with the Greek mark “.

“Both GSEVEE and the Citizens’ Movement” consume what we produce “have been trying for almost a decade to sensitize Greek society from the end of our country to supporting everything produced by” Greek hands “.

“Today we are given the opportunity,” continued Mr. Kavathas, “to accept if you want to change standards. And in this change of standards, the role of both the State and the actors of the economy as well as of the citizens is decisive. Most important is the role of commerce, which can be the link between a producer, a craftsman, a professional with a consumer – a citizen.

I firmly believe that we can grow by supporting our own crafts – industries, highlighting the comparative advantages of Greek agro-livestock products, their particular nutritional value, taking advantage of Greek gastronomy and nutrition. GSEVEE and the Citizens’ Movement “consume what we produce” supported and supported every effort like this, which is in fact the realization of the fact that solutions can be simple and at the same time effective. Let us think that if the imports are reduced by 20%, the profit for the national economy will reach 10 billion euros “.

In closing, the President of GSEVEE stressed “by supporting our products, we support jobs, we support Greece”.

Speech by President GSEVEE Mr. G. Kavvatas at the 1st Forum of Social Agencies

The President of GSEVEE, Mr. G. Kavathas, participated and spoke at the 1st Social Forum held on 30 May 2017 at TITANIA Hotel.

The President of GSEVEE, after congratulating the leadership of the Supreme General Confederation of Pensioners of Greece on the initiative, expressed the hope that the event would be the starting point for a substantial fermentation in public affairs, which would gradually lead to the necessary institutional political and social transformations, To move the country into a new era of growth and self-sufficiency. “I am not talking about autonomy and sufficiency,” said Kavathas, “because at times like today with international complexity and globalization, it is futile to look for solutions from the past, being enclosed in one of our own worlds. With the current initiative of unity, we give the example to political parties, the living society, all the productive bodies to create the conditions, with a sense of national responsibility and social sensitivity, for a new model of dialogue and consultation on the real problems of the country, A new search solution model. It is obviously not the purpose of transforming this action into a new political body, nor the abolition of our trade union independence. Nor do we declare that we have the solutions for every issue and problem that concerns the country. On the contrary, the aim of this event is to set the framework and the priorities to move in a coordinated and unified way, shaping the conditions of social and productive reconstruction in the post-memorandum Greece (when this happens and we wish it to be as soon as possible) “.

The President of GSEVEE pointed out that “Greek society and economy are once again trapped in the Sympligadas stones of a continuous negotiation with the creditors, a negotiation that, every time, regardless of the ruling parties, burden the living conditions of Greek citizens, devaluates The Greek companies, weakens the production base. Based on official data and on the basis of what we experience daily, there is no such thing as a world-wide phenomenon in a time of peace that has made such great sacrifices from the citizens and the productive fabric of a country. GDP fell by 27%, while in Syria by 23%. Enterprises fell by 25%, social protection was downgraded, the unemployed increased. ”

“Everybody has experienced both at the grassroots level and at the level of consultation with international institutions and creditors, deep distrust and disappointment of society for the future and the solutions that have been imposed,” the President of GSEVEE said. “The crisis did not arise on its own,” he said, continuing, “but the effects of the policies pursued have widened the problems to a superlative degree. Both civilian personnel and social actors failed to give solutions, we did not manage to hear, we failed to define as our declaration states our own framework – our own green lines – for the reconstruction of the country. Of course, in the course of things the social partners have de facto been devalued, either at the level of regulation (eg collective bargaining), or at the level of consultation (OECD toolbox, bills introduced as urgent). International institutions, lobbies have virtually replaced all the functions of the social partners and parliamentary groups, while at the same time shrinking time and decision-making processes. As a result of this development, there was less democracy, sloppy decision-making and emphatically transparent. Endless consultations without ever taking into account what the vast majority of social partners have tabled. This substitution process has led civilian personnel to rapid disintegration and redistribution processes and the citizens in resignation from trade union and collective action. It is clear that this course of things, we have a duty to reverse, despite the considerable degree of marginalization of the political system and the trade union movement. ”

Finally, Mr. Kavathas stressed that “the purpose of our initiative is both symbolic and real: on the one hand, we will give a model of political and social behavior, on the other hand we will be prepared to propose and assert tangible policies. It is our duty to intervene in the public debate, to create conditions for the political system, the collective expression of society, the citizens, the new generation. ”

The Forum was attended by: AGSSE (General Confederation of Greek Pensioners) – GSEVEE (General Confederation of Professional Craft Traders in Greece) – Athens Bar Association – ESEE (Hellenic Confederation of Trade and Entrepreneurship – Athens Chamber of Commerce – Supreme Confederation of Polytechnics Of Greece – Union of Taxed Hellenic – Panhellenic Medical Association – Panhellenic Federation of Military – POMIDA (Panhellenic Federation of Real Estate Owners).

Speech by the President of the GSEVEY Mr G. Kavvathas at the public hearing of the European Economic and Social Committee

The President of GSEVEE, Mr. G. Kavathas, attended and spoke at the public hearing held by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on the role of family and traditional businesses in regional development.

The President of GSEVEE stressed that “Europe is gradually recognizing that the role of small and medium-sized enterprises is more crucial than originally estimated, extends to various policy areas and that the contribution to added value is a crucial dimension that should not be overlooked . At the same time, we see a shift in public debate from the unambiguous commitment to so-called new-type enterprises, start-ups and new technologies, the need to strengthen the national backbone of entrepreneurship, which is largely made up of family businesses or businesses with tradition And history in what they offer as a product or service. However, this shift in perception has not yet been translated into a political initiative and action to enhance the capabilities of family businesses. The social partners have a duty to highlight the forms of support for family businesses on the basis of which national and European policies should be designed. In particular, at regional level, the role of small family businesses is becoming more important and vital in terms of local development and the detention of desertification. ”

“In the European Union (EU), 60-90% of enterprises (country-by-country) are family-run and, according to the latest statistics, family businesses in the EU contribute to 2/3 of GDP and jobs. Here, we should emphasize that with the term family business we do not define a limited-to-the-horizon business, employment and networking business: these are enterprises that may be from Societe Anonyme, up to personal, export-oriented or supra-local individual enterprises that have managed to Maintain their family character in decision making and the administrative pyramid, and usually employ and assisting members. They may also be enterprises with a purely local character and limited scope of action. This heterogeneity therefore shapes the need to leverage different tools to support entrepreneurship. For other businesses, a higher degree of penetration into value chains is required, for the smallest it is necessary to have an adequate information network and wider flexibility in the constitution and operation side (less bureaucracy and compliance costs).

In Greece, which continues to walk on the thorny path of the crisis, but also in its ineffective management, the problems faced by family businesses are even stronger:

– It is institutional, (incomplete information on the transfer process, the issuance of a new operating license, etc.), in the sense that there is no code of action that allows the entrepreneur to step-by-step approach and support. Despite the positive steps in the fight against bureaucracy and simplification of procedures, the problem of state-entrepreneur-consumer communication remains. GSEVEE considers that there is scope for intervention on the part of tertiary organizations in this area.

– Taxation (high transfer tax, “informal” transfer, etc.) and financial (lack of economic and tax incentives, staff adaptation, shrinking industry or activity, etc.)

– Of course, it is also socially-working, (capabilities and skills of the successor, training of the successor, etc.), in the sense of the inability of enterprises to recognize primarily the personnel needs and, secondarily, to attract suitable candidates. Therefore, family businesses need human resources counseling and assessment infrastructure. Education and training programs have failed to prepare ground for the past few years.

As mentioned above, an important aspect of a family business is the transfer from generation to generation and successful succession. Transfer incentives in our country are limited and the anti-development framework (there are no tax breaks, high debts make it unattractive or impossible to transfer, etc.).

The criticality of successful succession in a family business is confirmed and evidenced by recent EU figures that 1/3 of EU entrepreneurs, especially those managing family businesses, would have retired by 2016 According to the same EU estimates, this could have an impact on up to 690,000 small and medium-sized enterprises and 2.8 million jobs each year.

Additionally, official data show that only 30%, ie 3 out of 10 family businesses survive the transition to the second generation, while only 10%, ie 1 out of 10 family businesses manage to maintain the family business by moving to the third generation , While only 3%, that is, 3 out of 100 family businesses, end up in the fourth generation. ”

Finally, the President of GSEVEE stressed that “there is a point that is the crucial variable that determines the specific weight of the family business: is the contribution to employment, technological continuity, regional integration and, by extension, contribution to social cohesion and social harmony.”

1st FORUM of Social Organizations on 30-5-2017

The country is in the last seven years in a whirlpool that seems to lead to a deeper and more painful crisis.

In addition to our self-evident concern for the citizens we represent, ten (10) Social Agents carry out on:

May 30, 2017, at 17.00pm, Tuesday at the TITANIA Hotel

1st FORUM of Social Agencies

It is an effort that unites our concerns and concerns, our thoughts and our proposals, to help them get out of the economic, political and social crisis.

It is beyond any doubt that no Social Group can prosper in its own right. On the contrary, we believe that by combining our concerns and, above all, our voice, we will be able to create a new starting point of expectation.

The Forum is attended by: AGSSE (General Confederation of Pensioners of Greece) – GSEVEE (General Confederation of Professional Craft Traders in Greece) – Athens Bar Association – ESEE (Hellenic Confederation of Trade and Entrepreneurship – Athens Chamber of Commerce – Supreme Confederation of Polytechnics Greece – Union of Taxed Hellenic – Panhellenic Medical Association – Panhellenic Federation of Military – POMIDA (Panhellenic Federation of Real Estate Owners)

Greetings of the President of GSEVEE Mr. G. Kavvatas at the Forum for Industry of the Ministry of Economy and Development

The President of GSEVEE, Mr. G. Kavathas, attended a workshop organized by the General Secretariat of Industry of the Ministry of Economy and Development entitled “Forum Results for Industry Year One – Prospects” at the National Research Foundation, held on Thursday 25 May 2017 .

The President of GSEVEE in his address stressed that it is a top priority for the country to direct the agenda into development strategies, not just for market psychology, but because we have to move to a realism of action and creation, adapted to the Greek context. “By saying this, I would like to emphasize that, when GSEVEE calls for the adjustment of economic policies to the national economy, with the burden of tradition, culture, geographical identity and locality in general, it does not It means that we should stick to the sterile productive model of the past, which has exhausted its limits. On the contrary, we recommend that some of these particular features become comparative advantages that will attract areas we are interested in developing such as digital transformation, e-commerce, agro-food chain, construction, processing in the ceramics, silversmiths, Include a significant added value burden with a significant development dimension and a contribution to employment and craft industries. Some sectors are extensively analyzed in the Industry DG’s edition. ”

“It is a commonplace that the Greek economy must pass the threshold of the trading economy towards adopting a more outward-looking, investment model that will boost the processing and internationally tradable goods produced in the country. However, the simplistic view that first applying policies of internal devaluation, then shrinking domestic consumption and then developing tools to mobilize investment, is an outdated view of things with tangible results of failure. It is a recipe that struck at the same time trade, processing, primary production, a recipe that limited exports and synergies. ”

The President of GSEVEE submitted a core of proposals:

1) On the financing side, red loans are undoubtedly the biggest challenge of this period, as more than 45% of loans are not serviced smoothly. Accelerating effective implementation of the out-of-court debt settlement mechanism is a first-line issue. It is, of course, a matter of avoiding the facilitation of strategic bad payers, as well as the smooth servicing of those whose economic decisions have been driven by the brutality of adaptation, the ineffective economic policy program, excessive taxation. Although small and medium-sized enterprises account for 99.6% of businesses and account for 85% of employment, they are marginal to 40% of business loans.

2) Alongside the solutions for red loans, the necessary instrument is the institutional framework, which allows the diversification of the tools and sources of finance to suit the needs of Greek entrepreneurship. In this respect, the possibilities of promoting modern tools for microfinance, participatory financing, factoring and other forms of cooperative banking should be explored.

3) The creation of a development fund for SMEs, with the encouragement of institutional investors, international financial development groups, regions and small businesses (under the charging of tax-free funds for investment), will strengthen the prospects of the Greek economy and regional development.

4) Active intervention policies should be applied to business transfer procedures, particularly family businesses, to second and third generation entrepreneurs. But also for those who fail, provision should be made, which should not be confined to social policy actions for the marginalized practitioner, but especially social entrepreneurship actions and re-entry into the market. IME GSEVEE, in cooperation with the SEN, is already implementing the European Program for Early Warning for Businesses in Crisis and aspires to provide the state with the know-how and data to establish a rescue, rescue and second chance mechanism.

5) On the synergy side, conditions are mature to form a modern legal framework for the creation of cooperative associations / formations. It is a necessary element in encouraging new small and medium-scale investments. Subsequently, specific programs will need to be implemented to finance clusters, joint ventures, innovation synergies and open trade centers. The commitment of an enterprise to participate in an organized collaborative cluster may involve a unified configuration of spaces, warehouses, logistics-transport as well as joint market research and development of new goods. Priority should be given to outward-looking actions and the development of the internal market. This strategy should result in the inclusion of small businesses in value chains, in the cooperation of large and small enterprises.

6) In the promotion of entrepreneurship and the reduction of bureaucratic obstacles, we recognize that important steps have been taken,

7) Finally, I would like to mention two important dimensions for the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially in the manufacturing sector, in the international and internal economic life:

(A) the participation of SMEs in public procurement is of key importance to local development and technology / innovation transfer. At a time when there is a threat of concentration of public procurement on pretext for budgetary reasons, procurement policies should aim to simplify, transparent and disseminate information and technical details in order to ensure maximum participation.

B) Greek manufacturing industries should also be involved in all processes related to the internationalization of the Greek economy, foreign direct investment. Critical areas such as shipping, transport, energy hubs, construction, digital development, defense industry require the participation of Greek companies (small and bigger) in both added value and the adoption of new technology. “

Official visit of the European Union of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (UEAPME) to the offices of GSEVEE

The first official visit was held by the President of UEAPME, Ulrike Rabmer-Koeller at the offices of the General Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Retailers of Greece in Athens, as a follow-up to her initiative – following her recent election to the highest post, – to strengthen the links between European small and medium-sized enterprise organizations, The exchange of views on the major challenges facing small businesses in Europe and the country. The President of UEAPME and the Head of the Commercial Department of the Austrian Embassy welcomed the President of GSEVEE G. Kavathas and General Secretary G. Kourasis, who led her to the structures of GSEVEE (IME and KEK) and developed the strategy of the organization in National and European level.

At the following working meeting, the President of GSEVEE set out the core of the issues that concern the Confederation at the current juncture, analyzed the economic environment and the context

Of the rigid economic policy that has been put in place and called on UEAPME to steadily develop a network of co-operation and joint interventions to achieve better representation in the European institutions and more favorable treatment for the promotion of European and national SME policies. Particular mention was made of the need to create new financing tools and to increase liquidity and market investment. The meeting was attended by UEAPME Vice President Mr. D. Assimakopoulos and the GSEVEE representative at the EESC, Mr. Panagiotis Gopas, who pointed out the European dimension of the cooperation of organizations for the good of the member countries and the European Union.

The President, Ms. Rabmer-Koeller put the focus of the debate on the need to strengthen the role and active participation of UEAPME in the European decision-making centers and showed particular interest in the development and deepening of research synergies with FIE GSEVEE as well as actions in the field of training and employment promotion . The Austrian Embassy’s commercial department has announced its intention to promote initiatives to strengthen trade links and value chains among small and medium-sized businesses in Greece and Austria. The interlocutors agreed that the European vision and the acquis should be preserved, and as the European Union is the common field of action of citizens and businesses, they should all work together towards the reorientation and deepening of European policies for the benefit of the European Society and economy.

Official launch of Early Warning Europe

The official launch of the program entitled “European Network of Early Warning for Business and Second Opportunity in Greece”, organized by FHW GSEVEE and the Athens Chamber of Commerce, was held with great success today at Aigli Zappeion.

The event was attended by Mr. I. Dragasakis, Vice-President of the Greek Government, Mr. K. Andropoulos, Project Manager of COSME and Political Media Program, DG Internal Market of Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission as well as by European Early Warning Network Mr. Soren Boutrup, Danish Ministry of Development, MichaelLyngeHansen, Business Advisor EarlyWarningDenmark and Mr. Attila von Unruh, Director TEAM U, Germany, were also honored with the presence of Messrs. P. Kourouplis, Minister of Shipping, G. Papaderakis, Secretary General of Commerce, D. Sioufas, former Speaker of the Parliament.

In the greeting addressed by the President of GSEVEE, Mr. George Kavathas presented the main points of the Action and pointed out their importance for small and small businesses.

More specifically, the President of GSEVEE stated the following:

“About 250,000 small and very small businesses were closed in 2010-2015. This is enough to show the magnitude of the disaster that has occurred in the country’s business and, as a result, in the national economy. The country is in a deep recession over the last nine years and an unprecedented economic crisis in the last seven years, implementing three (3) fiscal adjustment memoranda, and according to FMI’s investigations, we are in the third year of stagnation. Despite the improvement recorded by all the economic indicators, they continue to be highly negative, creating a great deal of concern for the future. The probability of further stagnation puts at risk the position of weaker businesses and the self-employed.

Unfortunately, the main elements that make up a business-friendly environment such as stable and fair taxation, access to finance, reduction of bureaucratic and administrative compliance costs remain demanding, despite the efforts being made. However, the government’s legislative intervention to regulate red loans, which are one of the most important problems faced by the Greek economy and businesses, is extremely positive.

The everyday life experienced by small and very small businesses is extremely painful, since much of our colleagues have suffered such a financial disaster, many of them living below the poverty line and social exclusion. In fact, according to IME GSEVEE estimates, one-third of newly-born children come from the professional classes and social strata represented by GSEVEE.

According to European Commission surveys, 50% of small and medium-sized enterprises in the European Union close their operations in the first five years, while only 15% of bankruptcy firms are busy. Based on these surveys, it is estimated that 1.7 million jobs per year or 4,650 jobs per day are lost as a result of closure. This is one of the main reasons why the EU It is becoming more and more important to create a favorable environment for 2nd opportunity, to honest entrepreneurs who have failed.

In fact, the general social stigmatization creates a psychological context, as it perceives the entrepreneur who did not succeed, as a deceived person who deceived and who no one wants to know and to associate with him. And although EU surveys have shown that just 4% -6% of bankruptcies are fraudulent, the processes of restructuring, closing or bankruptcy of a business are inefficient, costly and time-consuming. These reasons are dissuasive not only for businessmen who have failed, but also for those who would like to start a new business.

The failure, the complex and time-consuming closure or winding-up of a business, and the lack of funding from the financial sector for a fresh start, are common pan-European ones. The second opportunity for a businessman remains largely a very lonely and difficult road. However, there are countries in the European Union that have good practices and, in particular, early warning systems for early-stage entrepreneurs, where the necessary corrective action can be taken.

This is our goal. Through this program, try to give answers, but especially to propose viable solutions and concrete policy proposals to create a business support framework. Especially in the case of Greece, this program is a pilot that is characterized by innovation, since innovation is not only the object but also the way of its implementation, which is based on the active and dynamic volunteering of experienced scientists and professionals. We are very optimistic about creating an extensive Mind Register that has already become a reality and is continuing to expand. In addition, a National Network is formed, consisting of institutional partners, legal entities of public and private law, who are members of the program and its benefits and are next to this endeavor to strengthen Greek entrepreneurship, each of its own field And with his own valuable experience. In our effort, those who have common goals are welcome to explore possible partnerships and exchanges of know-how, because our goal is to collaborate in a collective, mutually beneficial and socially horizontal effort. The program aspires to approach the issue of business in difficulty, not only financially and quantitatively, but also man-centered. We are talking about a socially beneficial action that is not limited to the benefit to the entrepreneur but extends to benefits for the public, workers, suppliers and society as a whole.

This pilot project will have 700 benefiting companies and will seek to connect with scientific research and analysis. A key goal of the program is, after the end, the production of quantitative and qualitative data capable of compiling policy tools for adopting actions at state level. The task is not easy, but it is a challenge and a social responsibility. After the end of each counseling, the program provides for follow-up of businesses so as to assess the qualitative characteristics of the action.

However, this program is not exclusively Greek. It is European. Greece is an important link that aims, through the effective implementation of the pilot, to contribute to the creation of a pan-European business support mechanism. The 2nd opportunity even has a strong symbolism. It’s not just businesses in Greece who need a second chance to come back to create again. Greece needs a second chance and let me note that Europe also needs a second chance to regain its pace. “

GSEVEE in the mobilizations of 17th May

Professionals, traders and craftsmen participated with a strong response to GSEVEE’s call to close their stores and businesses on May 17, with a central message “NO” 

  • The padlocks of small and medium-sized businesses
  • Increase in insurance premiums
  • Opening stores on Sundays

Small and medium-sized traders, craftsmen and merchants joined forces throughout the country by reacting to the operation of the stores on Sundays and the general problems experienced by all professionals, such as increased insurance charges, increased VAT, reduced turnover and Consumption, tax.

Placement of GSEVEE in the Greek Parliament for the polynomiogram

The President of the GSEVEE, Mr. G. Kavathas, attended the joint meeting of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs of the House with the Committees of Social Affairs, Public Administration, Public Order and Production and Trade for the multifunctional bill ” 4387/2016, measures to implement budgetary targets and reforms, social support measures and labor regulations, the Medium Term Financial Framework 2018-2021 and other provisions. ”

The position of the President of GSEVEE in the M / V is as follows:

The bill tabled by the government, in the form of urgency in the Greek Parliament, completes another cycle of violent interventions in the Greek economy and society. After seven years of joining the most rigorous fiscal austerity program ever implemented in economic history, which has not been imposed on losers in the World War, it is now clear that we are moving into yet another round of additional burdens that inhibit recovery prospects and maintain The economy in a stagnation trap. GSEVEE considers that with this agreement, instead of releasing the productive forces of the site, they are further rigged into a spiral of internal depreciation and degradation. The deal is a necessary condition for overcoming the crisis, but not capable of creating a new beginning. GSEVEE estimates that these new measures will, in the medium term, mainly hit the backbone of the Greek economy, which is small and medium-sized enterprises, to the benefit of larger companies of foreign and domestic interests.

The sacrifices of the Greek society and the productive base may have led to tangible and impressive fiscal results, but have not been capitalized at the level of employment growth, business environment improvement, growth prospects, social policy. Moreover, ELSTAT’s recent data confirm the slowdown in the economy (-0.5% of GDP in the first quarter of 2017). Over the next four years, additional public finance interventions of $ 5 billion are expected to remove resources from the real economy. According to the projections of the Medium-Term Program, it is assumed that GDP growth will be limited to 1.8% for 2017, while private consumption and investment will be adjusted accordingly. We must emphasize that in the past similar forecasts during periods of stagnation were not verified due to the continued commitment of economic policy to austerity.

Besides, none of the countries that were under a memorandum and / or surveillance regime in the past years has been forced to stand for such a tight fiscal and reform framework for decades, which strangles the national economy and the productive base. Institutions and economic analysts know that spending cuts and taxation have not even reached half of the other countries in the region that have pursued a restrictive economic policy, and even today there are countries that have gained a transition time to adjust their budgetary outcomes. This time is undoubtedly to the benefit of their national economies. And this fact is clearly the big failure of the Greek political system as a whole to present and negotiate a national plan to exit the crisis, with commitments, timetables, a smooth political cycle but also with specific red lines.

This bill, in addition to continuing austerity, paves the way for a new deregulation of the business environment that will lead other small businesses to exit and euthanasia. At the same time, the so-called counter-measures, which are certainly a positive aspect, are not sufficient to ensure a sustainable social and developmental model. Indeed, they will come into force after the end of 2 years, at a time when the usefulness of such interventions will be undetermined.

On the articles of the SBC, GSEVEE submits the following positions:

1) Article 1 shows the new pension reduction to be calculated from 2019 onwards. This arrangement leads to a further reduction in household disposable income, which will negatively affect consumption not only in the year of intervention but also in previous years (because pensioners will discount income reductions and reduce spending from today ).

(2) The benefits provided for in Articles 3 to 9 are considered as positive, however, some benefits (such as free medical care) are limited to a very small proportion of the population (with an income of up to € 1200), which makes them inactive. Many ornamental, with the risk of benefiting social groups with lower real exposure to poverty and social deprivation. GSEVEE considers in principle that health care should be provided to the population as a whole and that at this stage there should be a revision of the threshold for membership of the official level of relative poverty, according to ELSTAT (about 5,000 €). For school meals, a program of equal participation of local businesses in award procedures should be provided, with an emphasis on healthy and Mediterranean diets.

3) Improving modifications (Articles 10-14) concerning income tax, solidarity levy, business profits tax and ENFIA are positive but marginal as they will be applied conditionally after 2 years and are considered to be insufficiently quantifiable. There will be a wave of high burdens, the effects of which will be dilutive for domestic entrepreneurship and consumption.

4) The bill provides for disposal of 300m. In addition to the Public Investment Program for projects in the fields of agricultural production, processing, green energy and small and medium-sized enterprises. The provision is positive, but the way and the flow of funding will determine the success of the action.

5) Interventions at work are deferred (PART B, Articles 16-20) and do not improve the existing framework in the labor market. Collective bargaining is delayed, while priority is given to collective redundancies by delegating responsibility to the IAC to check the validity of the company’s decisions. This arrangement protects in part from the full release of redundancies.

6) It is positively considered to modernize the public procurement framework in the health sector (PART C), although today it is a question of providing quality health services and universal access to the pharmaceutical and healthcare services of the population. There is also a research and development support project on the domestic drug market and on medical devices, as well as actions related to the development of parallel health activities such as medical and thermal tourism (actions that can increase the income of social security institutions) , Attracting young scientists, improving public and private hospitals, and making good use of the wealth of insurance funds.

7) The framework for regulations on PART D on transparency in party financing as well as the taxation of parliamentary allowance is also positively assessed.

8) Amendments are provided for in the non-judicial mechanism for settling debts (Article 46) where there is a divergence of opinion between the amount declared by the debtor and the amount certified by the creditor. Most importantly, however, it is very important that the procedures for the implementation of the provisions of Law 4469/2017 are immediately initiated, as it will be beneficial for both businesses and the banking system. In any case, the extrajudicial mechanism should be extended to households, ideally prior to the application of Article 59 on electronic auctions, because otherwise companies will be forced into liquidation. Against this background, we consider the provision (Article 65) that provides for the protection of civil servants and bank employees undertaking corporate debt restructuring.

9) GSEVEE considers it unlawful politically and counterproductively to provide Article 58 for the new calculation of business insurances, based on the sum of taxable income and contributions payable last year, as mathematics leads to the closure and exit of enterprises from the market. On the pretext of achieving the viability of the insurance system and improving the recoverability of the new system, and despite the complaints of all the productive bodies about the excessive charges of the Social Insurance Act 4387/2016 on middle income, the government and institutions decided to correct for the worse The mathematical formula, leading to increases of up to 30%. Indeed, it will burden businesses more, with no tangible effects on collectability, which has already begun to subside in recent months.

10) The measure for the liberalization of the operation of the stores 30 Sundays per year (Article 49) with a legal provision and on the pretext of attracting tourists is indicative of the precariousness with which the productive composition of the economy is dealt with and studied. During the crisis, it has been argued by researchers, officials and institutions that the structural problem of the Greek economy is the high-consumption model that is at the expense of competitiveness and investment. The adoption of this measure effectively cancels this argument, since it is in itself aimed at increasing consumption (which, of course, does not happen with lower and overstated incomes). At the same time, it is very likely that the measure leads to a substitution of consumption and an increase in the share of imports, to the detriment of the current account. Finally, we repeat once again that the experience of the 8 Sundays has shown that neither the turnover is increasing (indeed in the previous months there has been a vertical decline), but neither the prices nor the unemployment due to the implementation of the measure will decrease. No study abroad has demonstrated a positive impact on local economies and the wider economic environment than the application of full liberalization of branch operations. Accordingly, the liberalization of the sale of DISY (Article 86) creates conditions of concentration and monopoly on the medicinal product market.

11) Under Article 81, they are transferred to the Hellenic Holding and Property Corporation (EDIS) in order to benefit from the participation of the Greek State. However, it should be investigated whether the alleged privatizations are such and benefit, as it is common for Greek public and private companies to buy from foreign companies that are part of the state sector of another country.

(12) Intervention in the markets for the sharing and short-term letting of immovable property (Article 84) is necessary, but the imposition of an overnight stay in the rented rooms is unnecessary at this stage.


Mobilization Wednesday, May 17, 2017

GSEVEE participates in the mobilizations on Wednesday, May 17, by reacting to the operation of the stores on Sundays and the general problems experienced by all professionals, such as increased insurance charges, increased VAT, reduced turnover and consumption, tax.

GSEVEE invites all colleagues, self-employed, small and medium-sized businesses and traders to take part in the mobilizations by giving a tentative response to the efforts made to sell the market.

GSEVEE opposes the decision of the government and lenders:

The padlocks of small and medium-sized businesses
Increase in insurance premiums
Opening stores on Sundays
The central mobilization of Athens is planned for Wednesday, May 17th, at 11am in Klafthmonos Square, on the way to the House.