L.A.E.K. 1-25

No. Ref: 3563
Volos: 16/05/2014


L.A.E.K. 1-25


The FEDERATION OF PROFESSIONAL Crafts & TRADERS MAGNESIA announced that the Employment Agency announced a subsidized employee training programs to small businesses (GG 323 / Issue B / 12.2.2014).

The funding breakdown by prefecture program, beneficiary institutions, the necessary documents and terms of program implementation, defined in no. 25873 / 27.03.2014 Circular OAED

The proposals will be made in the Information Management System Training Programs LAEK (http://laek.oaed.gr) from 04/11/2014 to 05/31/2014.

Recipients vectors are Primary-Secondary-Tertiary bodies representing employers and scientific collections.
Beneficiaries workers in enterprises employing up to 25 people, which are paid to all workers the employer’s contribution 0.45% to IKA for the year 2013 and have not made and will not make use of resources LAEK through the training program 0.45% for the years 2013.2014.

The training will last 20-40 hours on subjects of each industry or generally horizontal training (IT, health and safety, quality, etc.) and implemented in accredited VTC of the Prefecture.

Employees participants have the right to participate in one (1) program will be subsidized with EUR 5 for each training time and the allocated monitoring Certificate Program Certified by KEK.

Each applicant (Association, enterprises, workers) for more information can visit the http://laek.oaed.gr website or contact its offices FEDERATION professionals, craftsmen & TRADERS MAGNESIA during working days and hours. (Telephone: 24210-32780)


The President, Athanassios Spyrou
The General. Secretary Apostolos Poulios